Friday, August 5, 2016

Restaurant Review: Kings Street Food Counter

Well, ladies and gentlemen of St. Petersburg, it has finally happened—
Your bitchy, narcissistic blogger finally made a new adult friend! In fact, she was so impressed and captivated by me that she took us out to Kings Street Food Counter last Tuesday. 

The restaurant we graced with our presence last week

We planned for Tuesday night to take advantage of their buy one, get one free deal which comes with two free sides. 

Now after being spoiled by this deal, I only want to eat here on Tuesdays. Hopefully, this Take 2 Tuesdays doesn't end up backfiring on the restaurant owners. 

Your typical overly enthusiastic
restaurant mascot

This place has that 1950s heyday diner vibe. It was only missing the technicolored jukebox playing rhythm and blues in the background. Instead it slightly clashed with some employee's Pandora classic rock station. There is a certain time and place for Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, but I digress. 

People doing an excellent job of being customers

I think it's safe to wear whatever the hell you want here as long as you are, in fact, wearing something. I don't think anyone there would have bat an eye if I strolled in with my electric blue cookie monster shirt with a big ol' bleach stain on the collar.

Oh, there's a bar and outdoor seating, too! 
I'm not quite sure why they have turf grass, though. I suppose if some loud-mouthed kid who is severely lacking in fine motor skills lands on his face, Kings won't have a lawsuit on their hands.


Our waitress was sufficiently nice and attentive. Also, she did a fine job of not making me feel too stupid after I tried handing her my menu which was meant to stay at the table. Even when I did it a second time. Good on her!


I ordered the "batter up" hot dog and tomato bisque soup (bottom). While Adult Friend ordered a chili cheese hot dog and funnel cake fries (top). We clearly don't give two shits about our health, but it was worth it. All of this only costed $8. I even felt a little guilty about it because if we ordered something similar to this at…oh I don't know…Chili's it would have been about $25 or something. 

….Put Bluntly

I feel guilty saying this but I don't think I will be able to eat here any day of the week besides Tuesday. I mean I will feel totally cheated if my second hot dog ain't free. This place turned me into a freeloader.

The service was quick, the A/C didn't freeze my ass off, and they played a lot of the classics. It's safe to say I'm going to be a regular Take Two Tuesday customer.

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